Recipes for Blended Meals

Clickable Links below:

We give this meal once each day :

G-Tube Fruit and Grain Recipe

These two are our main recipes and are given, in different variations, three times each day:

G-Tube Protein/Vegetable Blend Recipe

Protein/Vegetable Blend Recipe #2



G-Tube Recipe Using Your Dinner

G-Tube Avocado Recipe

G-Tube  Egg Recipe

Additional Info:

Calorie Requirements and Calories in Recipes

Herbs and Spices in G-Tube Recipes

Digestive Enzymes and G-Tubers

Other G-Tube and Feeding Pointers

What NOT to Include in G-tube  Meal Recipes

Food Storing

7 thoughts on “Recipes for Blended Meals

    • Hi Chris, Thanks! It is my pleasure. Where are you located? I’m always interested in working with someone local who might have some insights for me with my Little Miss….

  1. I came across this website yesterdayafter starting to do some research on feeding my lil man food through his g tube. I want to tell you that you have really inspired me! Each post i read gives me more hope that things really are going to be ok, which im sure you know is very hard to believe at times. My son is 16 months old and has had his g tube a little over a month after having an ng tube for 4 months. My lil man has some sort of undiagnosed neuro muscular disorder. He has been going through testing for almost a year now… It has been a very trying year with test after test coming back normal. The most recent study was a muscle biopsy which was taken at the same time his g tube was placed. We found out yesteday that those results were also normal. I havent decided yet if this is a good or a bad thing. It is great that his muscles are supposedly normal but it is a horrible feeling of still not knowing what is going on and what we should expect in the future for my son and our family.

    Anyway, We have been struggling with weight gain since he was 6 months old. I was very hesitant on the ng tube at first, i guess i was still in denial that he actually needed it. After i finally came to terms with everything the feeding tube has actually taken a lot of pressure off of me. trying to force feed himwas not a pleasant experience for either of us. He has an appt next week with his nutritionist and gi dr. I was going to talk to them first before trying to feed him food through the g tube but, this site has given me the confidence and knowledge to try it on my own first without the probably inevitable discouragement from the doctors. Thank you for providing this wonderful site! I do have a few questions though. I was doing the math on how much to feed my lil man per feeding. Right now he is getting 860 calories from formula (peptamin jr). If my calculations are correct that would mean i would be giving him 12 oz per feeding and that seems like ALOT! Would this be correct? Also would you suggest i slowly introduce this to him or just cut out the formula right away and jump right into feeding him 100% blended meals? also do you have information on hydration needs in addition to the feedings?

    Again, thank you for sharing your experiences! It has really helped me understand that we are not the only ones going through these rough times and there are people other than doctors that have great advice and experience. I would do anything for my son and would not change a thing about him but everyday life is difficult, trying, and down right exhausting. I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. You are doing a great job and helping soo many people with this site. THANK YOU!

  2. Hi Lynn, I also have the same concerns as Kristin. My son has been on the tube for 1 1/2 year now and the formula is just sustaining his body to survive he is not increasing weight or moving on with trying foods. My doctor never recommended doing the blended foods but I found your blog and it sounds like a great idea. It has been so long since he got the tube and it is time for him to get more nutrients. Would you be able to tell me how to start with the feedings, if I have to slowly transition him to the blended foods and cut back on the formula and so on. Thank you so much for your response. (The same concerns as Kristin, I would love to know the answer you gave her since I am on the same situation with my son).

  3. Hi all
    My husband has had a gtube for over 3 years now and almost 2 years ago I started making his food-what a difference in every aspect of his life.
    He is 6 foot four and when he got the tube he weighed 154 lbs-this past Fri. he weighed 198 lbs-he’s back to work full time and riding his Harley again.
    I would be interested in hearing from anyone struggling as an adult with this issue and I would love to help out with anything I can.

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